Enhance the learner experience by offering Handouts

Enhance the learner experience by offering Handouts

Hello everyone,

Do you want to provide learners with additional material on the subject but don't want to include it in the course curriculum? Here's a feature to help you handle this.


Welcome to another spotlight post from TrainerCentral. Today, we’re going to highlight the Handouts feature.

Handouts are similar to reference material that learners can use to understand the subject better. They’re available as downloads in various formats, such as PDFs, videos, audio, documents, images, spreadsheets, zip files, or links. They can be added to courses and live sessions. Let's take a look into how Handouts can be leveraged.

Online course

Let’s say you've created an online course called Radiology Training where you educate radiologists around the world. You've added a lesson called Diagnostic Radiology and provided the necessary materials for learners. Other than the provided material, if you would like to educate learners on the Basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which is not a part of the course curriculum, you can opt for the handouts.

Live lesson

Consider another scenario: you've scheduled a live session on Interventional Radiology for your learners. As a prerequisite, you want them to possess some basic knowledge of the topic Angiography Procedure before the actual session. You can provide them with handouts on this topic beforehand as they register for the session. Likewise, the handouts can be provided to your learners during and after your live sessions as well. 

In short, handouts can be used to provide more insights on the subject. You can learn more about this feature by referring to the corresponding help articles. 

  1. Handouts in a course

  2. Handouts in live lesson

If you have any questions, ask us in the comments, and we'll be happy to help.

You can view our previous spotlights here.

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