Add an Assignment

Add an Assignment

TrainerCentral allows you to add Assignments, in which you can receive submissions from your learners and grade them accordingly.

To add an assignment,

1. Click  Add Assignment under the Curriculum tab after you create a course.

2. Here you can add reference materials for the assignment, configure settings, set the grade points for it and much more. 

The settings you can configure are: 

1. Set assignment to draft - You can set the status of the assignment to draft and it will not be shown to your learners as part of the course curriculum. 
2. Enable assignment resubmission - You can allow assignment resubmissions offering your learners multiple chances to get the assignment right. 
3. Mandate completion - Learners will be required to complete this assignment to proceed to the next lesson.  
4. Set due date - You can set a due date (last date) for the submission of the assignment. 
5. Set permissible file size and type - You can set the type, size and the number of files that can be uploaded by your learners towards the completion of this assignment. 
6. Set completion criteria - You can choose to set if the lesson is considered complete when an assignment is submitted by the learner or graded by the trainer. 

The supported file types for an assignment submission include: 

  1. Zip 
    1. Supported formats - ".zip", 
    2. Supported file size for zip - upto 250MB
  2. Videos 
    1. Supported formats - ".mov,.wmv,.flv,.mpeg,.mpg,.3gp,.3gpp,.mp4,.m4v,.ogv,.webm,.webmv,.avi,.vob,.mkv,.3g2", 
    2. Supported file size for videos - upto 2GB
  3. Documents
    1. PDFs - ".pdf" upto 250MB.
    2. Documents - ".doc,.docx,.rtf,.odt,.dotm,.dotx,.docm,.dot" upto 50MB.
    3. Spreadsheets - ".xlsx" upto 10MB. 
  4. Images 
    1. Supported formats - ".jpg,.png,.jpeg"
  5. Links - Any URL can be added as a submission. 

The instructions regarding the assignments can be added under the reference materials.
  1. Select the Add Instruction tab at the top-right corner.
  2. Enter the Title and instructions for the learners to do their assignments.

You can also attach the reference materials so that the learners can go through them before starting the assignment. You can select the reference material from the library, upload it from the computer, or pick from Zoho WorkDrive. The following reference material formats are supported: pdf, video, image, document, audio, spreadsheet, video, and zip file. These will be displayed on the screen.
3. Once the course is published, your learners can proceed to submit their assignments. When an assignment is submitted by a learner, it will be available for review and grading under the Reports section.
  1. Navigate to the Reports tab of the course for which assignment is given.
  2. Select the Assignments tab. The learner's assignment report page will be displayed. A search box will be displayed to search the assignment. The assignments will be listed in a dropdown menu, categorised under All and individual assignment names. Filter by dropdown will be listed with assignment status as below:   
    Yet to start         
    Yet to Submit         
    Resubmission granted         
    Resubmission in progress

    The Reports section will display a range of information, including:
    Name: The learner name enrolled in the course.
    Email: The learner's email address.
    Assignment: The assignment linked to this course.
    Status: The current status of the learner's assignment.
    Time:  Timestamps of the learner completed time and the trainer graded time are displayed here.
    Score:  Assignment score.

4. After clicking on any name, you can click on Actions on the top right to either grade this assignment or even reject this assignment prompting your learner to resubmit it once again. You can also extend the assignment's deadline if you choose to have the learner resubmit the assignment. 

5. If you choose to approve the learner's submission, you can grade it and add any additional comments regarding the same. The comment section is incorporated with a rich text editor, so you can highlight and format the comments.

6. If in case you wish to reject the submission and have the learner resubmit the assignment, you can click on Reject and even extend the assignment due date to facilitate resubmission. 

To learn how your learners can submit an assignment, click here.

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