Bundle Settings

Bundle Settings

This help article will show you how to adjust settings to customize your bundles to make them featured, private, or hidden and more. 

Any bundle you have chosen to be featured will be displayed in the Featured Product section under the school landing page. If this option is enabled, a thumbnail image of each course will appear, along with the title, author, and price of the course.

Compliance settings 

You can mandate a learner to access and complete courses only in the set order by checking the Mandate course order checkbox. If checked, learners will have to complete course one by one in order as set in the bundle. 

Access settings 

Private Bundle

A private bundle is a bundle your students can see on your school page but cannot enroll in directly. They can see the bundle webpage, check out all the specifications and takeaways of the bundle, but cannot pay for or enroll in the bundle until you grant them access. If interested in a private bundle, your students can email you and request to enroll.


Private bundles enable you to release bundles to a specific audience or even market the bundle before its official release. 


Bundles set to "Private" will still have thumbnails showcasing the bundle details on your site so that any visitors can view them from the academy landing page. However, the bundle won't offer the usual "Buy" or "Enroll" button. Instead the visitor will see a message encouraging them to email you and request access.


By default, this message will display "Interested in this course? Email us to request access at support@schoolname.com" The email displayed will be your support email, which you can set up in your site settings. 


Note: At the moment, private bundles do not support the option of a free preview.

Hidden Course   

A hidden bundle can be accessed only by the bundle URL. These hidden bundles are not displayed anywhere on your academy's landing pages or in your list of available bundles, and they will also not be indexed by search engines.



Hidden bundles are the best way to control your bundle's information and content by enabling you to share the bundle with a specific audience.

Private Bundles vs. Hidden Bundles  

Private Bundles

Hidden Bundles

Your bundle can be accessed on your school's landing page and other marketed platforms.

Your bundle can be accessed only with a direct link. 

Students cannot enroll in or purchase your bundle independently, and you'll have to enroll them manually.

Once they access the direct link, students can enroll in or purchase the bundle themselves.

Your bundle, its landing pages, and public information is indexed by search engines. 

Your bundle, its landing pages, and public information is not indexed by search engines. 




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