Configure Tests

Configure Tests

The test serves as a tool to assess the learner's understanding of the subject. In TrainerCentral, you can test your learners by either adding a questionnaire or uploading the questionnaire in the XLSX format. We support multiple formats of questions, such as single-choice question, Boolean type, fill in the blanks, multiple-choice questions, and essays.

  1. Sign in to your TrainerCentral account as an admin.
  2. Navigate to Course > Curriculum > Chapter.
  3. Click Add Lesson. The Add Lesson page will be displayed.
  4. Configure a test for this lesson by clicking Add Test under the Materials tab on the right side of the Add Lesson page.
  5. Under Add Test, there are two options: Add Test and Upload Test.


 Add test

  1. Add a test name and guidelines required for your students to keep in mind when taking the test.

  2. Choose the type of question that you wish to add. Kindly ensure that you mention the right answer in the answer section and the appropriate weightage for the question so that the learner is evaluated accordingly.

  3. You can choose to have Single choice, MCQ, Boolean, Fill in the Blanks and even Essay type questions. In the case of essay questions, if the pass percentage is yet to be achieved (by the learner) through other questions, you would be required to grade the answer manually after which we publish the results to the learner. 
  4. TrainerCentral offers a rich text editor for you to frame the question in any format that you wish. You can add images, text, tables and much more to your question.

  5. You can add answer choices to each question so that TrainerCentral can accordingly check if a learner has answered the question correctly or not. You can either specify the answer as text or upload an image. 


 Share feedback with learner  


TrainerCentral allows you to share feedback for each answer that the learner submits in a Test. You can have feedback appear, 


  1. When the learner chooses any answer choice. 

  2. When the learner chooses a specific answer choice.  

  3. Based on the learner's answer choice being correct or incorrect.  



 Upload Test    

You can upload the test questions and configure settings to your lesson as an XLSX file.

  1. Download the sample XLSX file under the Upload Test info icon.
  2. Enter the questions of your lesson and test settings in the same format as in the sample XLSX file.
  3. Upload your XLSX file, which will be displayed on the Add Lesson page.
Limitation: Answer choices can have a maximum of 10 options.

The test that has been added or uploaded will be displayed on the screen with the edit, download, and delete icons. 

Test Settings 

You have the flexibility to configure learner test settings according to your specific needs. The following test settings are available:   
  1. Set passing percentage: This setting enables you to set the minimum passing percentage for the tests.
The test result (Pass/ Fail)  will only be displayed to the learner only when you enable the Display test results under the If learner passes/If learner fails settings.
  1. Set negative marking for each question: You have the option to set a penalty for incorrect answers, either in terms of points or as a percentage.
    1. By points: Assign negative points for every wrong answer. For example: -2 points for every wrong answer.
    2. By percentage: Deduct a specified percentage from the weightage of a single correct answer. For example: 20% of the single right answer's weightage would be the penalty. 
  2. Set test duration: You can set the time duration of the test in the Duration field. Two text boxes for hours and minutes will be displayed, respectively. 
  1. Currently, the lower time limit is 1 minute and the upper time limit is 10 hours.
  2. The minute textbox does not allow decimal values (eg. 44.999). 
  1. Shuffle the test questions: This feature enables you to shuffle question sequences in a random manner. You can specify the number of questions to be displayed for each test attempt.
  2. Shuffle test answers with options: You can shuffle the answer choices listed for questions. 
  3. Allow retake test: Learners can retake the test for a specified number of times. You can choose to only allow retakes on failure.   

You can determine what will be displayed on the learner's screen after the test.

  1. Display test results: The test results with or without the test score will be displayed. 
  2. Display test outline - the answer given by the learner: The test outline, along with the learner's answers, will be displayed. Additionally, you can include options to indicate whether the answers are correct or incorrect. For any incorrect answers, the correct answers and the trainer's feedback for those answers will be shown. 
If you enable the Set passing percentage settings, then the Display test results and Display test outline - the answer given by the learner options will be shown separately under the If learner passes/If learner fails settings. 
  1. Feedback: You can display customized messages to your learners when they pass or fail the test. These messages can serve as motivation and will be displayed after the test. 
When you're finished making changes, click Save.

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