Create course API

Create course API

Description: To create a new course in an academy. 

Request URL: /api/v4/<orgId>/courses.json (How do I get my OrgId?)

Method: POST

OAuth scope: TrainerCentral.courseapi.CREATE


  1. {
  2. "course":{
  3.                "courseName":"<courseName>",
  4.                "subTitle":"<courseSubtitle>",
  5.               "description":"<course description>",
  6.               "courseCategories":[
  7.                                                {"categoryName":"<category 1>"},
  8.                                                {"categoryName":"<category 2>"}]
  9.    }
  10. }

Default Category List

{name: "Art & Photos"},

{name: "Automotive"},

{name: "Business"},

{name: "Career"},

{name: "Data & Analytics"},

{name: "Design"},

{name: "Devices & Hardware"},

{name: "Economy & Finance"},

{name: "Education"},

{name: "Engineering"},

{name: "Entertainment & Humor"},

{name: "Environment"},

{name: "Food"},

{name: "Government & Nonprofit"},

{name: "Health & Medicine"},

{name: "Healthcare"},

{name: "Internet"},

{name: "Investor Relations"}

{name: "Law"}

{name: "Leadership & Management"}

{name: "Lifestyle"}

{name: "Marketing"}

  {name: "Mobile"}

  {name: "News & Politics"}

  {name: "Presentations & Public Speaking"}

  {name: "Real Estate"}

  {name: "Recruiting & HR"}

  {name: "Sales"}

  {name: "Science"}

  {name: "Self Improvement"}

  {name: "Services"}

  {name: "Small Business & Entrepreneurship"}

  {name: "Social Media"}

  {name: "Software"}

  {name: "Spiritual"}

  {name: "Sports"}

  {name: "Technology"}

  {name: "Travel"} 



Params and description:

1. courseName - The name of the course.
2. subTitle - A subtitle for the course.
3. description - A short description of the course.
4. courseCategories - The categories under which the course falls. Kindly note that a course can fall under multiple categories . The default category list available is provided below.

Sample response:

  1. {
  2. "ticket”:{
  3. "maximumPurchaseLimit":"1",
  4. "paymentOrgId”:<paymentOrgId>,
  5. "description":"",
  6. "orgId”:<orgId>,
  7. "frequency":"1",
  8. "paymentType":"0",
  9. "course”:<courseId>,
  10. "createdTime":"1646206253501",
  11. "lastUpdatedTime":"1646206253501",
  12. "id”:<ticketId>,
  13. "deletedTime":"-1",
  14. "courseId”:<courseId>,
  15. "expiryDurationType":"0",
  16. "lastUpdatedBy”:<userId>,
  17. "amount":"0.0",
  18. "isTaxable":"false",
  19. "ticketType":"0",
  20. "isDefault":"true",
  21. "createdBy”:<userId>,
  22. "billingCycle":"-1",
  23. "frequencyType":"-1",
  24. "name":"course name",
  25. "expiryDuration":"0",
  26. "ticketId”:<ticketId>,
  27. "status":"1"
  28. },
  29. "courseCategories”:
  30. [
  31. {
  32. “moduleCategoryMappingId”:<category Mapping Id>,
  33. "moduleType":"1",
  34. "course”:<courseId>,
  35. "id”:<categoryId>,
  36. "moduleId”:<courseId>,
  37. "category”:<categoryId>,
  38. "categoryId":<categoryId>
  39. },
  40. {
  41. “moduleCategoryMappingId”:<category Mapping Id>,
  42. "moduleType":"1",
  43. "course”:<courseId>,
  44. "id”:<categoryId>,
  45. "moduleId”:<courseId>,
  46. "category”:<categoryId>,
  47. "categoryId":<categoryId>
  48. }
  49. ],
  50. "courseMembers":
  51. [
  52. {
  53. "role":"0",
  54. "userId”:<userId>,
  55. "orgId”:<orgId>,
  56. "completionPercentage":"0",
  57. "courseMembersId”:<courseMemberId>,
  58. "imageUrl”:<userImageURL>,
  59. "name”:<userName>,
  60. "course”:<courseId>,
  61. "time":"1646206253463",
  62. "id”:<courseMemberId>,
  63. "courseId”:<courseId>,
  64. "email”:<userEmail>,
  65. "status":"0"
  66. }
  67. ],
  68. "course":
  69. {
  70. "lastUpdatedBy”:<userId>,
  71. "decriptionId”:<descriptionId>,
  72. "kind":"0",
  73. "uniqueKey”:<uniqueKey>,
  74. "description”:<description>,
  75. "courseURL”:<course access url>,
  76. "type":"0",
  77. "orgId”:<orgId>,
  78. "courseName”:<courseName>,
  79. "enableReview":"true",
  80. "subTitle”:<courseSubtitle>,
  81. "createdBy”:<userId>,
  82. "lastUpdatedTime":"1646206253459",
  83. "time":"1646206253459",
  84. "id”:<courseId>,
  85. "courseId”:<courseId>,
  86. "publishStatus":"0"
  87. },
  88. "category":
  89. [
  90. {
  91. "createdBy”:<userId>,
  92. "time":"1646206253492",
  93. "id”:<categoryId>,
  94. "portal”:<orgId>,
  95. "categoryName”:<categoryName>,
  96. "categoryId”:<categoryId>,
  97. "orgId”:<orgId>
  98. },
  99. {
  100. "createdBy”:<userId>,
  101. "time":"1646206253492",
  102. "id”:<categoryId>,
  103. "portal”:<orgId>,
  104. "categoryName”:<categoryName>,
  105. "categoryId”:<categoryId>,
  106. "orgId”:<orgId>
  107. }
  108. ]
  109. }

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