FAQ - Drip Scheduler

FAQ - Drip Scheduler

1. How can I release a particular lesson on a specific date?

You can release any particular lesson on a preferred date to your enrolled learners by specifying a date under the Drip scheduler feature under a Course.

2. How can I release a particular lesson to my learner based on when they enroll for the course?

You can release a lesson based on when a learner has joined, like releasing a particular lesson 5 days after a learner enrolls to your course. Choose Specific days after enrollment under the Drip scheduler after which your learners will get access based on the specified schedule.

3. When is a lesson released under Drip schedule?

A lesson is released under the Drip schedule at exactly 12 UTC.

4. How do I release a lesson before the set Drip?

You can change the date that you've set for a Drip lesson to release it before it's specified date or you can even cancel the schedule if you wish to release all lessons to your learners.

5. How do I cancel a configured Drip schedule?

Navigate to the Drip section and click on Cancel in the top right corner.

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