Moderator role in Group

Moderator role in Groups

The group feature in TrainerCentral help the admin to group learners under one place. As a learner, you can be assigned a moderator role in a group. Once assigned, you can monitor and keep track of the learners in your group.

Navigate to the My Team tab in the left pane. The list of the group's learners will be displayed.

Search Group

You can search for the group that has already been created, and you are assigned as a moderator for it.
Enter the group's name in the search box. The required group will be displayed on the page.

View Group

Click the more icon under the Action column.
Select the View Group option. The group learner's progress will be displayed.
The added learners will be listed in the Progress tab.

Add Learners

You can add more learners to the group.
  1. Click the more icon under the Action column.
  2. Select Add Learners in the more icons under the Action column. The Add learners window will be displayed. By default, the Invite Individually tab will be selected.
  3. Specify the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address.
  4. Click Add.
  1. Enable Create password for this learner's account if you would like to have a password for this learner's account. Once you create a password, share it with the learner through your preferred communication channel so they can access the course without any issues. Please note that TrainerCentral will not share this password with your learner.
  1. An email will be sent to the invited learner. Once the learner accepts the invitation to enrol in the academy, you can add them to your group.


In the group learner's progress, you can view the list of added learners. As a moderator, you can perform the following actions as below:

View learner's details

You can keep track of individual learners' course and live workshop enrolments and analyze their learning progress.
Click the view icon under the Action column of the required learner. The learner's details, such as the learner's course enrolment, live workshop enrolment, course report, and learner information, will be displayed.

Delete learner 

You can delete a learner from the group.
Click the delete icon under the Action column. The selected learner will be deleted.

Add Learners

You can add more learners to the group by following the steps given above.

Search learners

You can search for a learner in the group.
Enter the learner's name in the search text box. The required learner will be displayed.


In the Certificates tab, you can view the group learner's certificates.
Click the Certificates tab to view group learner's certificates. The group of learners with certificates will be listed. 

Select Category

You can view learners' details based on their category.
Select the required Category from the drop-down. Learners with certificates in the selected category will be listed.

Download learners certificates

Click the Download icon under the Action. The learner's certificate will be downloaded.

Group Details

In group Details, you can view the moderator list and the group information.

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