Modify common labels across your school

Modify common labels across your academy

TrainerCentral allows you alter all messaging, terminology, and UI text that appear across your school in the Site section of your account.


UI string literals are the UI messages that appear all across your school by default and you can change them to better suit your branding and company tone.

To change the common label: 

1. After logging to your TrainerCentral account, navigate to the Settings tab in the left pane and click the Academy Settings tab.
2. Select the Common label tab.

Here you can see various UI string literals listed here which are used all across your academy. You can enter your preferred alternatives in the Customised text field. 


To import custom labels as an excel file 

You can also choose the export the entire list of these messages as a Excel file, modify the contents, and import it back to reflect all across your school. 

1. Click on Export under the Common Label tab to export the common label excel file. 

2. Edit the sheet file based on your messaging preferences and save the changes. 

3. Import the edited file back to your academy by clicking on Import under the Common Label tab. 

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