Tips for a great live workshop

Tips for a great live workshop

1. Understand your target audience. 

The first and foremost task of preparing a webinar is to execute a detailed analysis of your target audience. The consumer demographics, what is the trending topic/issues in your area of expertise, what value is your audience looking for, how does your webinar content fare compared to others delivering on the same topic? These answers help you tailor your content with high precision, depth and variety in mind. 

2. Choose depth over breadth.  

Most webinars get boring for the audience because they cater not to specific topics but try to cover a lot in 60-90 minutes. Most attendees attend live workshops with specific learning goals in mind. It is important that the mode of delivery, the content and the duration perfectly caters to specific topics of interest so that the webinar doesn't become too generalised. 

3. Practise, practise, practise.  

Once your content and preparation is ready, kindly make sure you rehearse as much as possible. The script, the fellow trainer's portions, audio-video interface - these are few parameters you can iterate and improve on until the final show. Try to incorporate different types of content like audio, video and presentations to keep the audience engaged. 

4. Promote across all platforms. 

Once backstage checklists are all done, it is now time to promote your webinar. Utilise all social media channels, affiliate partnerships, cross-course promotions and much more to ensure that the right audience hears about your webinar and they get all super excited for it! 

5. Keep the energy going always. 

Once the webinar is on, it is super important to keep the momentum going. Deliver valuable content, engage them with questions and polls, involve guest speakers, showcase live product screens and encourage discussions to keep your learners excited and involved. 

6. Track, analyse and follow up. 

Once your webinar done, make sure you have proper analytics tools set up to track the effectiveness of the event and learner feedback. Follow up on your attendees with personalised emails and make sure the relationship grows beyond the webinar! 

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