View Activities

View Activities

The Activities Tab in TrainerCentral helps you keep track of all the activities that have happened in your portal. You can choose from various filters to view particular activities in this tab and view data across any specific timeframe (like 30 or 90 days).  

How to use a filter?

1. To use any filter, click on Events under the Filter By tab under the Settings menu.

2. When you choose any of these filters, you can view the corresponding activities listed below. 


  1. Enrolling a learner to a course.
  2. Inviting a learner to a course. 
  3. Blocking a learner from accessing a course.
  4. Blocking a learner from accessing the academy.
  5. Deleting a learner from an academy.


  1. Taking an academy online.  
  2. Taking an academy offline. 
  3. Inviting a trainer to join the academy. 
  4. A new trainer joining the academy. 
  5. Cancelling the invite sent to a trainer. 
  6. Removing a trainer from the academy. 
  7. Sending a custom email from the academy.  
  8. Inviting a learner to an academy.  

Live Workshop 

  1. Creating a session. 


  1. Creating a course.  
  2. Duplicating a course.  
  3. Taking a course online. 
  4. Taking a course offline.  
  5. Creating a course bundle.  
  6. Accepting course access requests.  
  7. A new discussion forum post.  

Once you choose a filter, you can specify any preferred time frame you wish that you can view all the activities that occurred during the set duration. 

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