Getting Started
List of all TrainerCentral APIs
Getting Started Get Oauth token API Course APIs Create chapter API Edit chapter API Create course API Edit course API Create lesson API Edit lesson API Create assignment API Delete lesson/live workshop/assignment API Delete chapter API Delete course ...
Get academy OrgID API
When you log in to TrainerCentral, you can see an ID (<orgId>) in the URL which will be a number. Example:<orgID>/sessions/upcoming?sort=1 This <orgID> is used in the request URL of the APIs listed below. If you ...
View all upcoming sessions API
Description: To fetch the list of all upcoming live sessions. The list will only include live workshops, and it will not include live lessons of courses. Request URL: /api/v4/<orgId>/talks.json?filter=<Filter type>&limit=<Total course ...
Generate OAuth token API
TrainerCentral APIs follows the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize and authenticate your requests. OAuth 2.0 is a token based authorization framework that enables limited access to the third-party application. It acts as an intermediary on behalf of the ...