Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ - Course Curriculum
How can I add lesson to a course? To add a lesson to a course, navigate to the Curriculum tab and click on Add lesson. What are the lesson types supported? We support PDF, video, image and text files as part of lesson content in TrainerCentral. How ...
FAQ - Drip Scheduler
1. How can I release a particular lesson on a specific date? You can release any particular lesson on a preferred date to your enrolled learners by specifying a date under the Drip scheduler feature under a Course. 2. How can I release a particular ...
FAQ - Supported Languages in TrainerCentral
From the user interface to our communication emails, we have customized TrainerCentral with localized content catering to users who are proficient in other languages. Supported languages in TrainerCentral TrainerCentral is available in the following ...
FAQ - Live Workshop System Requirements
1. Browsers requirements: Chrome : 72+ Firefox : 65+ Edge : 79+ 2. Bandwidth requirements TrainerCentral recommends the below bandwidth for a seamless experience. Even if your bandwidth is currently under recommended values, we would optimize the ...
FAQ - Manage trainers
How can I invite a trainer to my academy? Navigate to the Users pane and click on Invite Trainers under the Trainers tab. Enter their name and email address and click on Invite. How can I bulk invite trainers to my academy? Navigate to the Users pane ...
FAQ - Manage learners
How can I invite a learner to an academy? 1. Navigate to the Users pane from the left menu and click on Add learners. 2. Enter their name and email address to invite the learner to you academy How can I invite a learner to a course? When you invite a ...
FAQ - Site settings
Where do I upload the logo and favicon for my academy? Navigate to the Site menu from the left pane and under the General Settings tab, you can upload a logo and favicon for your training academy. Where can I edit my academy name? Navigate to the ...
FAQ - Material library
Where can I store all my course content and lesson materials? You can store all your course materials and lesson content in the designated library that TrainerCentral offers you when you create an academy. Here you can add, edit, preview and manage ...
FAQ - Set up Academy Site
How can I preview my academy site before taking it live? Navigate to the Site menu from the left pane and under the Template tab, you can click on Preview to preview your academy site before taking it live. How can I remove all edits and restore my ...
FAQ - Recordings Library
Where can I find my session recordings? All you live lesson recordings are saved under the Recordings tab and you can download/delete them using the tools present to the right of the listed recording. How can I download my recordings? 1. Click on ...
FAQ - Image Library
How do I upload an image to my TrianerCentral library? To add an image to the image library, click on Library from the left pane and click on Upload under the Image tab. How can I ...
FAQ - ShowTime to TrainerCentral Migration
1. How long will the migration of my data from ShowTime to TrainerCentral take? The migration of your ShowTime data and account portal will approximately take an hour or two to be completed. If in case there are any technical issues or glitches that ...
FAQ - TrainerCentral Pricing
What happens to my published courses if I downgrade from Starter plan to a Free plan? TrainerCentral allows you to host 3 courses in the free plan. As soon as you downgrade, all your published courses will be taken offline and you will be asked to ...