Spotlight #3- Build a successful learning path with Course Compliance

Spotlight #3- Build a successful learning path with Course Compliance


Hi everyone!

It's time to put the spotlight on another helpful TrainerCentral feature.

The Course Compliance feature helps you set parameters for your learners to follow in order to complete a lesson.

Consider this scenario: Zylker Academy, a training institute, had no difficulties managing its learner community when it opened. Over time, its learners grew in number, and things became more complicated. To ensure all learners completely understood the concepts that were taught, a set of rules was implemented. Learners had to comply with these rules in order to complete the course.

With Course Compliance, you can establish rules to ensure the effectiveness of your lessons. Only when your criteria are met will the lesson be marked as complete, allowing your learners to proceed to the next one.

How do you access the Course Compliance settings?

Select a course to set its rules for compliance. Then, click on the Settings tab in the top row. The Course Compliance section will be available under the General column.


How do you implement Course Compliance?

You will find various check boxes under the Course Compliance section. Each one is a rule to manage the progress of your learners. Let's take a look at each rule in detail:

  1. Mandate Lesson Order ensures your learners proceed through the lessons in the order you have planned. This means your learners will not be able to watch lessons randomly. 

  2. When you enable the Exclude Live Lessons option, your learners will be allowed to proceed to a new lesson, even if they missed attending a live session that you had scheduled within the course.

  3. Enforce Lesson Completion Based on Percentage will require learners to complete a minimum percentage of the course material before moving to the next lesson. Say you've set a minimum of 60% completion for a course that contains a 10-minute video. Your learners have to watch at least 6 minutes of the video to proceed to the next lesson.

  4. Enforcing Completion Based on Test Grades will require your learners to earn a certain grade on a test to proceed to the next lesson. You can define the passing grade at the time of creating the test.

Can Course Compliance be configured differently for each course?

Yes! Course Compliance applies to every course individually.

Who can access the feature?

The Super Admin and the trainers of the course will be able to configure Course Compliance.

Note: This feature is available only for Professional plan users.


Have any questions? Ask us in the comments and we will be happy to help.

We hope you found this post useful.

To learn more about Course Compliance, click here.