The types of lesson content you can upload to your course

Upload lesson content in a course

In TrainerCentral, you can provide materials like texts, documents, audio, videos, PDFs, spreadsheets, images, and external links to learners. You can also offer downloadable handouts to enhance learners understanding. Configuring tests enable you to assess learners' comprehension of the subject.

Add Text Materials

You can add text material to your lesson by creating from scratch or using AI. 

Steps to create text materials:

Click the Text drop-down button under the Materials tab. 

Create Text from Scratch 

You can create your own text material to educate learners on the subject.
  1. Select Create Text from Scratch. The Add Text window will be displayed.
  2. Enter the Title for the content.
  3. Enter the content in the Description. The Description text box will be incorporated with the rich text editor for fomatting your content.
  4. Click Save. The text material will be displayed to the Add Lesson page.

Generate text using AI 

You can also create an AI-generated text material. This text material will be generated based on your instructions and lesson content. 

Consider this scenario, you want to create text material about "Stages of the Sales Process." The lessons and courses related to this topic are "Understanding the Sales Process" and "Sales Training for Beginners." The AI will generate text material based on the provided instructions and already-created lesson content. 
  1. Select Generate Text using AI. The corresponding window will be displayed.
  2. Enter the instructions to create text material using AI.
  3. Click Generate. The AI-generated text material will be displayed.
  4. Click Generate. The material will be displayed in the Add Lesson page.

Add Multi-format Materials 

 In addition to text materials, you can also add audio, videos, images, spreadsheets, PDFs, and documents as material for learners.  Below are the options to upload the required file.

Add File from Library

You can add the file from the Materials, Recordings, or Image library. 
  1. Click Add File from Library tab next to the Test tab. The Material Library window will be displayed with the Materials, Recordings, or Image Library tab.
  2. Select the required file that you want to add.
  3. Click Add. The file will be displayed on the Add Lesson page.

Upload from Computer

You can upload the file from your computer.
  1. Click Upload from Computer link in the Materials tab.
  2. Select the required file that you want to upload. The file will be uploaded and displayed in the Add Lesson page.   

Pick from Zoho WorkDrive 

You can pick the file from the Zoho WorkDrive. 
  1. Click Pick from Zoho WorkDrive link in the Materials tab. 
  2. Select the required file that you want to upload. The file will be uploaded and displayed in the Add Lesson page.
You can embed external links, such as documents, videos, webpages, and more, in your lesson. 
  1. Click Embed Link in the Materials tab. The Embed external link window will be displayed.
  2. Enter the Link title. Choose either the Embed URL and Embed iframe based on your requirement.
  3. Enter the Link address.
  4. Click Save.

Configure Test

This test helps in determining learners' comprehension of a subject. Here, you can add a test to your lesson by creating it from scratch, utilizing AI-generated content, or uploading it in an XLSX file.


Provide Handouts 

You can also provide Handouts to learners for a better understanding of the subject. Handouts are downloadable, and they can be in the form of PDFs, videos, audio, documents, images, spreadsheets, or zip files.

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