Spotlight #8: Virtual waiting room to manage your sessions efficiently

Spotlight #8: Virtual waiting room to manage your sessions efficiently

Hello everyone!


Today, we’re excited to showcase another important feature of TrainerCentral: the virtual waiting room.


What is a virtual waiting room?

The virtual waiting room is a virtual space where you can hold attendees for a specific time before admitting them to the session. You can move attendees back and forth from the waiting room as needed. This helps you have complete control of your session.

To understand this better, let's consider an example scenario.

Peter, a seasoned trainer, is planning to conduct a live session on “DIY: Christmas cards.” Before starting the session, he wants to check if the proper materials are added, ensure that the configurations of audio and video settings are correct, and restrict unauthorized attendees' entry. For this, he requires some buffer time to make all of these last-minute tweaks. The virtual waiting room comes in handy for him to achieve these things.

Once the virtual waiting room is enabled, he can add the required materials, verify the audio and video settings, and review the attendees' details. He’ll be notified when attendees enter the waiting room, and he’ll be able to view the list of attendees and grant access to them individually or in bulk as needed.

You’ll also have the option to move attendees to the waiting room during the session. In this case, let's say Peter is conducting a session for a group of three attendees. He now wants to conduct a one-on-one discussion with each attendee. He can hold the required attendee in the active session and move the other two attendees to the waiting room. This helps him conduct focused discussions without disconnecting from the other attendees.

The virtual waiting room is a valuable feature that empowers trainers to conduct and manage their sessions more effectively.


To learn on how to configure a virtual waiting room, please refer to this help article.


Have any questions? Ask us in the comments and we’ll be happy to help.


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